It can be hard to have to think about anything other than your grief when you are dealing with the death of a loved one. However, if you are the person in charge of the funeral arrangements, you have to do just that. If you find that you have the need to work within a budget, take a few minutes to review the following tips.

Opt For Payment Plans Instead Of Credit

While it can be tempting to swipe a credit card, you might end up stuck paying a lot more than the original cost of the funeral thanks to your interest rate. It is better to speak directly with a funeral home director, like those at Wiebe & Jeske Burial & Cremation Care Providers Funeral Home, and ask if there is a payment plan option that can be offered to you. You might have to pay a certain percentage of the total cost upfront, but the rest may be able to be put into a monthly repayment plan for you. Whether you are charged a small fee for the payment plan option or a small interest rate, it should be much more affordable when compared against your other financing options.

Plan For Fewer Funeral Home Viewings

Instead of paying to have your loved one viewed by friends and family for a couple of days, you might want to cut it down to a single day of viewing. If you want to cut costs even more, you might want to opt for a single viewing in the evening instead of the traditional morning and evening viewing. After all, if a lot of the people that will be attending the viewing work, they might only be able to attend the evening one anyway.

Ask For Monetary Donations Instead Of Flowers

You can ask close friends and family to help offset the cost of the funeral by making a donation directly to the funeral home, which they will apply to any balance that is due on the services. This can be in lieu of flowers that so many people are used to sending. Simply mention this when talking to friends and family who might ask for the funeral home address for a flower delivery. You can also have this request placed at the bottom of the obituary for everyone to read.

As you can see, there are a few great tips for putting together a funeral service even when you are working within a budget.
